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Our Services

The Foundation offers programs and services to CBWC churches to empower mission, embrace learning and expand ministry.

Loan Program

CBWC Foundation loans assist with managing growth, new construction, purchases, capital maintenance projects and renovations.

Education Grants

We offer various grants to assist pastors along their education and leadership journey, including MDiv assistance, continuing education and doctoral studies.

Kingdom Builders Fund

CBWC churches and affiliates can invest "surplus cash" with the Foundation, earning a competitive rate of return while injecting capital into the loans program for churches.


Donating shares helps you and the recipient at the same time. Donors avoid capital gains tax and empowers CBWC ministries.


How It Works

Once the transfer is made, we sell the shares, forward the net proceeds to your designated charity, and issue a tax receipt to the donor. (* The final amount of the donation will be the net proceeds on the disposition of securities.)

What Our Clients Say

Nora Walker, Board Chair (FBC Victoria)

"We are so appreciative to the CBWC Foundation for being willing and able to help us financially at a critical time in our church development. We had just called a new pastor and finances were tight as we began to regrow our church family. Banks are not willing to lend to a church but the Foundation was right there for us and quickly financed a loan. This allowed us to continue ministry for which we are grateful."
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